2018-2019 client

I’m extremely grateful for My Sister’s House and the people who work here and the people who contribute to make everything possible. Thank you for helping my family.

2019 client

“I could cry… Piece by piece everything is coming together… When you talk about domestic violence outside of these doors people think you’re crazy. I feel vindicated.”

2019 survivor

“My Sister’s House gave and giving me a new future. I could not imagine how my life would be without your help and support. I could not find a word good enough to describing this organization. You give me future, give me new life, give me hope. Thank you so much.” – Former shelter/Housing First… Read more »

Survivor from China

My Sister’s House helped fully recover and have a brighter future. Otherwise I wouldn’t know where I’d be right now.


For the first time, my son has his own bed. OMG thank you. Because of your sacrifice, we have this. Thank you so much to My Sister’s House.

Survivor from Haiti, 2013

“Leaving was the scariest thing I have ever done. I knew I had to give my children a change of environment. A very big thank you to My Sister’s House for helping me with this process. I’m a new person now- I’m not only  a survivor but also a  thriver.”

Survivor from Vietnam, 2014

“I now work as an Energy advisor for a Solar company. It is hard job but I am making every effort to be successful in this new industry.”

Survivor from Canada, 2015

“I was not able to see my son for a few months because of domestic violence. During that time, I was hopeful that I can hold him and let him know how much I love him. I run to celebrate freedom, independence, courage and self-esteem.”